Rampage Engineering drawings & components list

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$ 231

Are you keen to take on your own DYI project and build your own tower?

Well, let us help. In this product, you can purchase the full most recent set of engineering drawings for everything that needs to be fabricated on the tower. It also includes the full components list or what we call the recipe of everything needed for the construction of a full nav tower as we sell.

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IMPORTANT NOTE ON LEAD TIMES: The components and towers may have a lead time of 2-3 weeks. This is mainly due to the fabrication time for some of the components. If your order is timed with a batch in process or we have it in stock, it can be quicker.

This is what's included in this soft product:

  • Engineering drawings for all the fabrication parts.
    • Included are the design files, the laser cutting files and the metal bending files where nessesary.
    • These files can be handed over to any fabrication or engineering company to fabricate your parts.
  • List of all the components in details.
    • This includes bolts, fasteners, washers, plastics...everything.

The combination of the above two sets of documents will allow you to fabricate and construct your own tower, using exactly the files and designs we use at Rally Rampage.

Although the files carry a price to purchase, this is just to recoup some costs for our ongoing development.

In essence, this is an open-source type project and we encourage builders to get involved and even improve where they see fit.